Saturday, October 6, 2007

New Band

I was being a loser on Itunes yesterday and just browsing and i discovered a really flippin SWEEET band that i think u will all luvv.

The band is Dashboard Confessional and they just came out with a new album that's all acoustic (normally i'd be like "BLECH!" but it's startin to grow on me) and is really fantastic!

so try em out!
this isn't their new cd cover but i couldn't find the new one so here's the old one called "Dusk and Summer" this one's a little bit more elecric guitar than acoustics but it's good anywho


Molly said...

Markelle-I just can't seen to please you! Nothing on my blog is good enough! My next post is going to be all about "Markelle"! he he

Markelle said...

gol i was jk
sigh i miss edward!!!

Molly said...

By the way, I "tagged" you so get going on it !

Markelle said...

uhh what am isupposed ot do when i get tagged again????????

Molly said...

look at my blog and read the "tagged" post. Answer all the questions!

Adrianna said...

(Claudia speaking): Anyway! Hi Markelle! I've heard of the band 'Dashboard Confessionals', but I've never really heard them yet... I've heard one song but, it was more like backround (I mighta spelled it rong)... well, ya, and ya, so buh bye!