Saturday, January 26, 2008

sooooooo bored

well I'm really bored so I'm just gonna rant

I finally got harlee, my bff, to read Twilight, and now she can't put it down! and she likes Edward better!!! hahahah

well my daddy bought that new game 'rockband' nad won't open it... so more $$$ down the drain i suppose... i think i'm gonna go open it myself, this is getting ridiculous

well i guess you're bored and so i am so im gonna go open rockband... yeah i'll do that

ok bi

so yea bi

Friday, January 25, 2008

twilight stufff

ok well i have newzz on who's playin who in the movie Twilight

Edward will be played by Robert Pattinson

well don't screw this up for us all Robby

and Bella will be played by Kirsten Stewart
what's that? I'm prettier than her? why thank you!
ok well hopefully these jokers won't mess up the whole movie and let down the millions of ppl all over the world who have been waiting ever so long for this movie... jk jk
ok bye

Monday, January 7, 2008

awesome cuppcakes (and yes that's how it's spelled)

i made a flippin woodlin' (my new word; no apparent meaning to the word) cuppcake for ember's b-day (for me not ember) and it was fabulous... well yeah... so here's a picture (feel free to bask in the fabulous-ness)